Background Info. / History
1895, June 10, Immanuel Velikovsky was born in Vitebsk, Russia
1913> studied medicine at Montpelier, France,
1921 Velikovsky received a medical degree at the
University of Moscow
1921 moved to Berlin, married, edited a journal called
Universitatis atque Bibliothecae Hierosolymitarum, the mathematical-physical
section was prepared by Albert Einstein. This journal played a big role
in developing the Hebrew University in Jerusalem,
1924-1939 "Velikovsky lived in Palestine, practicing
psychoanalysis- he had studied under Freud's pupil, Wi1helm Stekel in Vienna"
quoted from
1950 published Words in Collision right away it was a
NY Times non-fiction #1 international best seller for 7 weeks until the
publisher (Macmillan) dropped the book due to opposition to it led by Harvard
astronomer Dr. Shapley
-This book was about Velikovsky's claims that incidences
in numerous independent cultures around the world were not due to terrestrial
origin (i.e. comets and planets caused massive disasters)
1960s Velikovsky was considered as quack by most everyone
1970s Velikovsky got allot of attention and many of his
ideas were reconsidered due to many predictions coming to pass. He
was regularly invited to speak at many universities around the country.
1972 a 1 hr documentary was aired in Canada on his ideas,
(link to watch
1979 he passed away.
present: a very small scientific field called catastrophisim
is studied by a few of Velikovsky's followers. They try to combine anthropology,
geology, psychology and other disciplines with physics to support their